Friday, March 21, 2014

We're thinking of introducing a new program, and we need your thoughts!

We are thinking of launching a new program here at BAKERS Counseling Services, LLC (BCS). This program will be geared toward living a healthier, happier lifestyle. We are looking into pairing the nutritional and athletic knowledge of a certified personal trainer with the insight of a professional counselor. The idea is that we will incorporate the two in a group setting. The pilot group will be open to people of various ages, weight, level of fitness, and fitness goals. Keep in mind the fact that group counseling brings about varying ideas and perspectives. This is due to the fact that the group's members receive input, understanding, support, and encouragement from others who have similar concerns (Florida Gulf Coast University). Next, think about the cost of seeing a personal trainer as an individual; this can get costly after the first session, let alone the third or fourth sessions. Insurance may cover the cost of seeing a therapist/counselor, but not if your concern is not considered a medical necessity. Weight loss, proper diet, or fitness training are not normally considered behavioral health medical necessities. This being said, insurance will likely not cover the cost for services regarding these areas. Besides, seeing a therapist/counselor likely will not give you the health and weight management tools that you would acquire through a visit with a personal trainer. A program which incorporates both a certified trainer along with a professional counselor, in a group setting, covers both bases. And it does so at a far less cost to the individual than it would to see a professional counselor and a certified trainer separately. With these thoughts in mind, we can begin to understand that there is potential in such a program. What are your thoughts on this program idea?

It is necessary to give credit where it is due. Here is the reference used in the creation of this post:

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

This short video is a recording of a man named Neil Hilborn. In this poem he talks about how his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) helped him to meet and form a relationship with the woman he truly cherished. However, the same compulsions caused him to lose the very same woman. What are your thoughts about this video, his delivery, what about the poem?